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Staff Sgt. Jose Riojas Elementary School

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Riojas Elementary PTO

The PTO is a volunteer group of parents and teachers that work together to plan family-fun events, build a strong community and raise funds for school needs.  THE BEST PART – by registering your child today, you are already a member. 

Our top goal is FUN by planning great events all year such as a school dance, bingo nights, holiday marketplace, and the Spring Carnival.  However, we don’t just do events. We coordinate several other programs including:

  • A+ credit union student savings account
  • Box tops for school supplies
  • Teacher appreciation activities throughout the year
  • The Patriot Yearbook
  • Friday school store
  • School spirit wear

These activities give us the ability to donate funds and supplies to the school all year round.  Box tops fund supplies for the teachers’ classrooms and our events have raised enough money over the years to provide extra special things such as a set of playground swings and an iPad cart for classroom use.  It is our goal to give the school the support it needs with the generosity and help of each parent.

To learn more or contact us with ideas and feedback, visit or email us at: